The Corruption Prevention prong under the Public Education and Corruption Prevention Division, is in the process of understudying/examining the issuance of Public Transport Permits(C&D) in the Department of Traffic and Transport under the Ministry of Public Works. According to the Prevention of Corruption and Economic Offences Act No.5 0f 1999 as amended, under section 6(g), the DCEO is mandated among others, to examine the practices and procedures of institutions in order to facilitate the discovery of corrupt practices and secure the revision of methods of work and procedures which in the opinion of the Director General may be conducive for corrupt practices.
The Division therefore after careful consideration based on the evident crises and public outcry regarding the issuance of public transport permits(C&D), for mini-buses/taxis and the so called(4+1), found it befitting to take an examination of the process and find a sustainable solution to the problem at hand. As for now the engagement of the Department’s management is underway to pave way for the smooth running of the exercise.
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