


DCEO has seized and frozen Lesotho Stone Enterprises (Pty) property and Bank accounts, a private company situated at Lekokoaneng in Berea district. It was established that Royalties and taxes owing to the Government of Lesotho which have been consumed by Lesotho Stone are over M40 million for the period ending 2018. Furthermore, it is alleged that during renewal of the companies mining Lease in 2017, the company bribed public officials, meaning they got their license illegally.

At this juncture, DCEO applied for preservation order in terms of section 88 (2) of the money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act, 4 of 2008 (MLPCA), where the immovable property of Lesotho Stone Enterprises situated at Lekokoaneng, plot number 14311-285 situated at Matala Phase 11, plot number 12283-012 situated at Europa was seized, also Bank accounts of the said company were frozen.

Moreover, the court nominated curator bonis, Mr Junwei Wang of Bloemfontein, in Republic of South Africa, to take control of the mining.

Lesotho Stone and Enterprise has four Directors namely; Zha Fengfu, Denggoa Long, Huang Pan and Thabiso Makepe.



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